# Run 1 Creating a simple virtual machine (VM) with an operand stack and a context stack for frames in Java involves multiple components that simulate the internals of how a stack-based VM operates. Below is a basic example of such a VM: ```java import java.util.Stack; // Class to represent a Frame in the context stack class Frame { private int[] localVariables; // Local variable array for the Frame private int returnAddress; // Return address for the Frame public Frame(int localVariableSize) { localVariables = new int[localVariableSize]; } public int getLocalVariable(int index) { return localVariables[index]; } public void setLocalVariable(int index, int value) { localVariables[index] = value; } public int getReturnAddress() { return returnAddress; } public void setReturnAddress(int returnAddress) { this.returnAddress = returnAddress; } } // Simple OperandStack implementation class OperandStack { private Stack operandStack; public OperandStack() { operandStack = new Stack<>(); } public void push(int value) { operandStack.push(value); } public int pop() { return operandStack.pop(); } public int peek() { return operandStack.peek(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return operandStack.isEmpty(); } } // Simple Virtual Machine class VirtualMachine { private Stack contextStack; // Context stack for function call frames private OperandStack operandStack; // Operand stack for general operations public VirtualMachine() { contextStack = new Stack<>(); operandStack = new OperandStack(); } // Method to simulate 'push' instruction public void push(int value) { operandStack.push(value); } // Method to simulate 'pop' instruction public int pop() { return operandStack.pop(); } // Method to simulate 'add' instruction public void add() { int value1 = operandStack.pop(); int value2 = operandStack.pop(); int sum = value1 + value2; operandStack.push(sum); } // Method to simulate a method call public void call(int address, int localVarSize) { Frame frame = new Frame(localVarSize); frame.setReturnAddress(address); contextStack.push(frame); } // Method to simulate a method return public void ret() { Frame currentFrame = contextStack.pop(); int returnAddress = currentFrame.getReturnAddress(); // Jump to return address (assuming that aspect of VM is implemented) } // Other VM instruction implementations can be added here... // Execute a simple predefined set of instructions public void execute() { // Simulated instruction sequence: push, push, add push(10); push(20); add(); int result = pop(); System.out.println("Execution Result: " + result); // Should print 30 } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { VirtualMachine vm = new VirtualMachine(); vm.execute(); } } ``` ### Explanation: 1. **Frame Class**: Represents a single frame in the context stack. It holds local variables and a return address. 2. **OperandStack Class**: A simple wrapper around a stack to represent the operand stack. This stack is where most of the computations happen (e.g., arithmetic operations). 3. **VirtualMachine Class**: Manages both the operand stack and the context stack. It includes basic instructions such as `push`, `pop`, and `add`, as well as a simple `call` and `ret` to simulate function calls. 4. **Main Class**: Just a basic entry point to test the VM by executing a small instruction sequence that adds two numbers. ### How it Works: - In this VM, the stack-based operations occur on the operand stack. - Context switching (like function calls and returns) involves manipulating frames on the context stack. - The `execute` method in this example simulates pushing two integers onto the operand stack, adds them together, and then prints the result. This is a simplified example and doesn't include features like instruction sets, loop control, or error handling, but it forms a basic foundation on which you can build a more complex virtual machine.