Creating a virtual machine (VM) runtime in Java with an operand stack and a context stack for frames involves some interesting tasks. Below is a simplified implementation outline that will get you started. This implementation includes an `OperandStack`, a `Frame` that holds local variables and an operand stack, and a `VM` class that orchestrates the execution. ### Step 1: Define the Operand Stack We'll start by defining the `OperandStack` class. ```java import java.util.Stack; public class OperandStack { private Stack stack; public OperandStack() { this.stack = new Stack<>(); } public void push(int value) { stack.push(value); } public int pop() { return stack.pop(); } public int peek() { return stack.peek(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return stack.isEmpty(); } public int size() { return stack.size(); } } ``` ### Step 2: Define the Frame A frame holds local variables and an operand stack specifically for that method invocation. ```java public class Frame { private int[] localVariables; private OperandStack operandStack; public Frame(int localVariableCount, int operandStackSize) { this.localVariables = new int[localVariableCount]; this.operandStack = new OperandStack(); } // Methods to manipulate local variables. public void setLocalVariable(int index, int value) { localVariables[index] = value; } public int getLocalVariable(int index) { return localVariables[index]; } // Methods to manipulate operand stack. public OperandStack getOperandStack() { return operandStack; } } ``` ### Step 3: Define the Virtual Machine (VM) Next, create the `VM` class that manages the frames and their execution. ```java import java.util.Stack; public class VM { private Stack stack; public VM() { this.stack = new Stack<>(); } public void pushFrame(Frame frame) { stack.push(frame); } public Frame popFrame() { return stack.pop(); } public Frame currentFrame() { return stack.peek(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return stack.isEmpty(); } public void execute() { // Typically, you would implement an instruction set here // and write logic to decode and execute instructions. // For now, we'll provide a very simple example. while (!isEmpty()) { Frame frame = currentFrame(); OperandStack operandStack = frame.getOperandStack(); // Example case: two integer addition operation if (operandStack.size() >= 2) { int operand1 = operandStack.pop(); int operand2 = operandStack.pop(); int result = operand1 + operand2; operandStack.push(result); } // You've just executed the current frame's instruction set; // Typically you'd remove the frame if it has completed all instructions. popFrame(); } } } ``` ### Step 4: Create a Sample Use Case Here is an example of how to use the `VM` to add two numbers: ```java public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a VM instance VM vm = new VM(); // Create a frame with local variables and operand stack Frame frame = new Frame(10, 10); // Push two numbers onto the operand stack frame.getOperandStack().push(10); frame.getOperandStack().push(20); // Push the frame onto the VM stack vm.pushFrame(frame); // Execute (in this case it will perform the addition and leave the result on the stack) vm.execute(); // Get the result from the operand stack if (!frame.getOperandStack().isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Result: " + frame.getOperandStack().pop()); // Should output "Result: 30" } else { System.out.println("No result on stack"); } } } ``` ### Conclusion: This code provides a basic framework for a simple virtual machine runtime that uses an operand stack and a context stack for executing frames. This example uses integer addition as demonstration, but in a more complex implementation, you'd have a detailed set of bytecode instructions and a much richer execution environment. This is, of course, a simplistic implementation and can be considerably extended depending on requirements (e.g., additional operations, handling of different data types, support for function calls, etc.).