describe how you would use python's dict data structure to build a symbol table for a small language compiler Building a symbol table using Python's dictionary data structure for a small language compiler involves several steps. The symbol table will be used to keep track of variables, their types, and scopes during the compilation process. Here's how you can implement it: 1. Define basic classes Firstly, create two essential classes - `Symbol` and `Scope`. ```python class Symbol: def __init__(self, name, symbol_type): = name self.symbol_type = symbol_type class Scope: def __init__(self, parent=None): self.parent = parent self.scopes = [] # list of symbols in this scope ``` 2. Initialize the global symbol table Create a class `SymbolTable` which will manage all scopes and keep track of symbols globally using Python's dictionary data structure. ```python class SymbolTable: def __init__(self): self.symbols = {} # Key: symbol_name, Value: (Scope object) ``` 3. Add new symbols to the table Define a function `addSymbol` in `SymbolTable`, which adds symbols according to their scopes and types. This method ensures that overlapping names are handled gracefully by using the scope's parent as reference if necessary. ```python class SymbolTable: # ... existing code ... def addSymbol(self, symbol_name, symbol_type): current_scope = self.symbols.get(symbol_name) if not current_scope: # If the symbol doesn't exist in any scope yet, create it at global level new_scope = Scope() self.symbols[symbol_name] = (new_scope, SymbolType(symbol_type)) return new_scope # Else check if we are dealing with an inner symbol else: scope = current_scope[0] # parent Scope object while scope.parent and in self.symbols: # Check all parents until a free name is found scope = scope.parent if not scope.parent or not in self.symbols: # Add the symbol to current scope if there's no conflict with any parent scope new_scope = Scope(parent=scope) self.symbols[symbol_name] = (new_scope, SymbolType(symbol_type)) else: raise NameError('Symbol name already exists in this or one of the parent scopes') ``` 4. Retrieve symbols from the table Define a method `getSymbol` to retrieve symbols by their names according to their respective scope and type information. ```python class SymbolTable: # ... existing code ... def getSymbol(self, symbol_name): if symbol_name in self.symbols: return self.symbols[symbol_name] else: raise NameError('No such symbol') ``` With this implementation, you've created a basic symbol table using Python dictionaries that can track variables and their types for a small language compiler. You can extend it further by implementing methods to handle more complex scenarios like type inference or variable renaming during optimization stages of the compilation process.