kristofer / Things that Require ZERO Talent
- Being On Time
- Making An Effort
- Being High Energy
- Having A Positive Attitude
- Being Passionate
- Using Good Body Language
- Being Coachable
- Doing A Little Extra
kristofer / Passion Project Method
a methodology to ensure eventual success in passion projects.
Outline line of Tasks
ZCW Passion Project methodology for PassionProj Week.
Each of these phases are designed to move the project from the One-Pager stage to something working by the end of the week.
There are two possible templates here, one for a 3-tier Web Applicationa and one for the creation of a Data Pipeline Application.
PATH variable in zsh (or bash) has been bedeviling y'all. See
things like docker: command not found are most likely, if you have installed Docker Desktop, because you haven't added the bin directory where all the docker command line programs are. There are two primary places Docker Desktop keeps its binaries (those pesky programs.) Where those programs are is dependent on wheter you check the System or User radio button in the Advanced Settings UI of the docker app.
Yep. It even tells us where they are.
kristofer /
Pandas intro
Append is deprecated.
# temp_df = movies_df.append(movies_df)
dfcopy = movies_df.copy()
kristofer /
How do I do that virtual environment thing again?
Create python virtual environment
# to create a venv
python3 -m venv venv
# to start/activate it
kristofer / JSON Intro
Introduction to JSON
JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. It has become an essential tool for programmers, particularly in web development, due to its simplicity and versatility.
Why JSON is Important to Programmers
Ease of Use: JSON's straightforward syntax makes it accessible to both new and experienced programmers. Its structure is composed of key-value pairs, much like a dictionary in Python or an object in JavaScript.
Language Independence: JSON is language-agnostic, meaning it can be used with almost any programming language. Whether you're working with JavaScript, Python, Java, or any other language, JSON is widely supported and easy to integrate.