最後活躍 1716315910

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1 + describe how you would use python's dict data structure to build a symbol table for a small language compiler
2 +
3 + ## TinyLlama
4 +
5 +
6 + In a small language compiler like Python, the goal is to convert an input
7 + program into a bytecode that can be executed by an interpreter. This
8 + bytecode is then translated into machine code (CPU instructions) and
9 + executed by a CPU, or run directly in a virtual machine (VM). The
10 + intermediate representation for this process is called a symbol table,
11 + which is used to store information about the location and value of
12 + variables, function definitions, and other data items.
13 +
14 + To create a symbol table in Python, you can use a built-in module called
15 + "collections" that provides various types of dictionaries and lists.
16 + Here's an example code snippet:
17 +
18 + ```python
19 + from collections import namedtuple
20 +
21 + class Var(namedtuple("Var", ["name", "type"])):
22 + def __str__(self):
23 + return self.name + ": " + str(self.type)
24 +
25 + class FunDef(namedtuple("FunDef", ["name", "inputs", "body"])):
26 + def __str__(self):
27 + return "%s: %s" % (self.name, self.body)
28 +
29 + class SymbolTable:
30 + def __init__(self):
31 + self._dict = {}
32 +
33 + def get(self, name):
34 + try:
35 + return self._dict[name]
36 + except KeyError:
37 + raise NameError("%s is undefined" % name)
38 +
39 + def put(self, name, value):
40 + self._dict[name] = Var(name, type_=value)
41 +
42 + # Example input program and output symbol table
43 + input_file = open("input.py", "r")
44 + output_symbols = SymbolTable()
45 + for line in input_file:
46 + if line.startswith("#"): continue # skip comments and blank lines
47 + parts = line.split()
48 + if len(parts) < 2: continue # missing name or definition
49 + name, type_ = parts[0], parts[1]
50 + value = eval(parts[-1]) # evaluate expression at end of line
51 + output_symbols.put(name, Var(name, type=type_, body=value))
52 + input_file.close()
53 + ```
54 +
55 + In this example, we use the `namedtuple` class to define a new data
56 + structure with the `Var` class as its base class. The `get()` and `put()`
57 + methods then call the `__str__()` method to convert the variable's name
58 + and type into string representations, which can be used for printing or
59 + error messages.
60 +
61 + The `SymbolTable` class then initializes an empty dictionary that will
62 + store variables, function definitions, and other data items in a symbol
63 + table format. In addition, we use a `dict` object to define the methods
64 + that allow accessing, inserting, and removing entries from this
65 + dictionary.
66 +
67 + We can now use this symbol table to execute Python code by calling the
68 + `get()` or `put()` methods with the desired variable name and type:
69 +
70 + ```python
71 + # example input program
72 + x = 10
73 + def add(a, b): return a + b
74 + print(add(3, x)) # error: expected argument 2 (value) to function "add"
75 + ```
76 +
77 + The output symbol table would now contain the variable `x` with type
78 + `int`, which can be used for execution of the program.
79 +
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