Last active 1718312876

kristofer's Avatar kristofer revised this gist 1718312876. Go to revision

1 file changed, 146 insertions created)

@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
1 + from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, HTTPException, status, Header
2 + from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, String, Integer
3 + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
4 + from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
5 + from keycove import encrypt, decrypt, hash, generate_token
6 + from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
7 +
8 + app = FastAPI()
9 +
10 + SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL = "sqlite:///db.sqlite3"
11 + engine = create_engine(
12 + SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL, connect_args={"check_same_thread": False}
13 + )
14 +
15 + SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)
16 + Base = declarative_base()
17 +
18 +
19 + def get_db():
20 + db = SessionLocal()
21 + try:
22 + yield db
23 + finally:
24 + db.close()
25 +
26 +
27 + class Key(Base):
28 + __tablename__ = "keys"
29 + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
30 + hashed_key = Column(String, nullable=False, unique=True)
31 + encrypted_key = Column(String, nullable=True)
32 +
33 +
34 + Base.metadata.create_all(bind=engine)
35 +
36 + # this secret key was generated using the generate_secret_key function.
37 + # do not use this secret key in production!!!
38 + # do not store your secret key in your code - this is just for demonstration purposes
39 + # you should store your secret key in an environment variable
40 + secret_key = "EZdgwBIak481WZB8ZkZmzKHTDkRQFzDjeTrhSlU_v2g="
41 +
42 +
43 + def verify_api_key(api_key: str = Header(None), db: Session = Depends(get_db)) -> None:
44 + """
45 + This function verifies the provided API key by hashing it and checking if the hashed key exists in the database.
46 + If the hashed key does not exist in the database, it raises an HTTPException with a 404 status code.
47 +
48 + Parameters:
49 + api_key (str): The API key to verify. This is expected to be provided in the request header.
50 + db (Session): The database session to use for querying the database.
51 +
52 + Raises:
53 + HTTPException: If the provided API key is not valid.
54 + """
55 +
56 + key = db.query(Key).filter(Key.hashed_key == hash(api_key)).first()
57 + if not key:
58 + raise HTTPException(
59 + status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND,
60 + detail=f"The provided API key is not valid. Please provide a valid API key.",
61 + )
62 +
63 +
64 + @app.get("/protected")
65 + def protected_route(verify_api_key: None = Depends(verify_api_key)):
66 + """
67 + This function is a protected route that requires a valid API key to access.
68 + If the API key is valid, it returns a message indicating that access has been granted.
69 +
70 + Parameters:
71 + verify_api_key (None): This is a dependency that ensures the API key is verified before the function is accessed.
72 +
73 + Returns:
74 + dict: A dictionary with a message indicating that access has been granted.
75 + """
76 +
77 + return {"message": "access granted"}
78 +
79 +
80 +"/create_api_key")
81 + def create_api_key(db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
82 + """
83 + This function creates a new API key, hashes it, encrypts it, and stores it in the database.
84 + It then returns the new API key.
85 +
86 + Parameters:
87 + db (Session): The database session to use for querying the database.
88 +
89 + Returns:
90 + dict: A dictionary with the new API key.
91 + """
92 +
93 + api_key = generate_token()
94 + hashed_key = hash(api_key)
95 + encrypted_key = encrypt(api_key, secret_key)
96 + new_key = Key(hashed_key=hashed_key, encrypted_key=encrypted_key)
97 +
98 + db.add(new_key)
99 + db.commit()
100 + db.refresh(new_key)
101 +
102 + return {"api_key": api_key}
103 +
104 +
105 + @app.get("/decrypt_api_key")
106 + def decrypt_api_key(
107 + api_key: str = Header(None),
108 + verify_api_key: str = Depends(verify_api_key),
109 + db: Session = Depends(get_db),
110 + ):
111 + """
112 + This function decrypts a given API key using a provided secret key.
113 + The same secret key that was used to encrypt the API key should be used to decrypt it.
114 + The function first hashes the provided API key and then queries the database for a key with the same hash.
115 + If such a key is found, the function decrypts the encrypted key stored in the database and returns it.
116 +
117 + Parameters:
118 + api_key (str): The API key to decrypt.
119 + verify_api_key (str): A dependency that ensures the API key is verified before the function is accessed.
120 + db (Session): The database session to use for querying the database.
121 +
122 + Returns:
123 + str: The decrypted API key.
124 +
125 + Raises:
126 + HTTPException: If the provided API key is not valid.
127 + """
128 +
129 + key = db.query(Key).filter(Key.hashed_key == hash(api_key)).first()
130 + return decrypt(key.encrypted_key, secret_key)
131 +
132 +
133 + @app.get("/keys")
134 + def get_keys(db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
135 + """
136 + This function retrieves all the hashed keys from the database.
137 +
138 + Parameters:
139 + db (Session): The database session to use for querying the database.
140 +
141 + Returns:
142 + dict: A dictionary with all the hashed keys.
143 + """
144 +
145 + keys = db.query(Key).all()
146 + return {"keys": [key.hashed_key for key in keys]}
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