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a methodology to ensure eventual success in passion projects.

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PassionProj.md Исходник

Outline line of Tasks

ZCW Passion Project methodology for PassionProj Week.

Each of these phases are designed to move the project from the One-Pager stage to something working by the end of the week.


The one-pager, the UX/UI mocks, and the data model documents should be complete.

Now, What is your Entity-1??

In the Piro360 example, it is Piro


Perform each of these phases in order.

REST Server (initial)

  • Build a small, single entity (Entity-1) rest server.
    • Load some test data into the db behind the REST server with a SQL file for Entity-1.
    • Prove data is loaded with SQL
    • Prove data is loaded with a tool like Postman
  • Add a User entity with a one-to-many relationship to Entity-1
    • Load some User test data into the db behind the REST server with a SQL file.
    • Prove data is loaded with SQL using an INNER join.
    • Prove data is loaded with a tool like Postman

VanillaJS Interface

  • display on a single page, List-Of Entity-1s
  • add links to Detail-Of Enitity-1s
  • add a POST/FORM which adds entity-1s from the UI frontend

Display User-restricted Entity-1s

  • add ability to set User-1 on a List-Of page
  • restrict display of List-Of Entity-1s by a User