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a methodology to ensure eventual success in passion projects.

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PassionProj.md Eredeti

Outline line of Tasks

ZCW Passion Project methodology for PassionProj Week.

Each of these phases are designed to move the project from the One-Pager stage to something working by the end of the week.

There are two possible templates here, one for a 3-tier Web Applicationa and one for the creation of a Data Pipeline Application.


The one-pager, the UX/UI mocks, and the data model documents should be complete.


Perform each of these phases in order.

3-tier Web App

Now, What is your Entity-1?? In the Piro360 example, it is Piro

You need to determine what entity you will focus one first, what is the key thing your app holds for a User?

Create Repo for Project

  • add all your docs in a doc/ folder
  • draft initial README.md with summarized paragraph of the one-pager
  • create a src/ folder for all your source code
  • submit the Repo URL to the portal

Create all three tiers

  • create frontend, business logic server, database backend
  • the goal of these first phases to get
    • something into a database
    • something from the database onto a web page
    • restrict the display of items based on ownership of user
    • something which can be added to db from the frontend based on the user

REST Server (initial)

  • Build a small, single entity (Entity-1) rest server.
    • Load some test data into the db behind the REST server with a SQL file for Entity-1.
    • Prove data is loaded with SQL
    • Prove data is loaded with a tool like Postman
  • Add a User entity with a one-to-many relationship to Entity-1
    • Load some User test data into the db behind the REST server with a SQL file.
    • Prove data is loaded with SQL using an INNER join.
    • Prove data is loaded with a tool like Postman
  • choices Spring, Django, or Flask (but the REST aspect of one of these)

VanillaJS Interface

  • display on a single page html, List-Of Entity-1s
  • add links to Detail-Of Enitity-1s
  • build a Detail-Of page for Entity-1
  • add a non-working button for add and edit and delete of Entity-1
  • style the VanillaJS UI with bootstrap or something
    • can use Koley-css
  • add a POST/FORM which adds entity-1s from the UI frontend
    • add new page for adding an Entity-1
    • add JS for same
    • connect to REST backend
    • prove it works with postman and the new page
      • what will you do about the User foreign-key relationship?

Display User-restricted Entity-1s

  • add ability to set User-1 on a List-Of page
  • restrict display of List-Of Entity-1s by a User
  • modify add-entity-1 page to handle the User foreign-key relationships
  • style the pages to be consistent with each other

Business Logic

  • what business logic addition can you add to your REST server?
  • Example: piro360 is the idea of tags
    • display Piros by User and by Tag
    • adding and removing of tags from a Piro

Getting fancy... Add ReactJS UI

  • add a reactjs interface that mimics your VanillaJS interface
  • style it consistently
  • what new spiffy items can you now do that were not really possible with vanillaJS?

Create an admin UI

  • create a CRUD admin UI for your Entities
  • make sure only Users with Admin privileges can edit the database.

Add JWT security to the project

  • you may, finally, at this point, need a Login page
  • create a session-based security model
  • prove it works with Postman
  • and maybe a Register page. (maybe)
  • which brings up a Profile page
  • how can you prove that your login page and its session security works?

Data Pipeline Project

This is a comprehensive project plan outline for your data engineering pipeline.

Create Repo for Project

  • add all your docs in a doc/ folder
  • draft initial README.md with summarized paragraph of the one-pager
  • create a src/ folder for all your source code

Data Research Phase

  • Identify potential data sources
    • Document data requirements (volume, velocity, variety)
    • Assess data quality needs
    • Determine necessary data formats and schemas
  • Create SQL database for data and document how it gets setup from scratch

Data Collection & Storage Setup

  • Create data ingestion pipelines in python
    • load from sources into SQL (pandas?)

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Phase

  • Create initial Jupyter notebook
  • Perform basic statistical analysis
    • Check data distributions and patterns
    • Identify outliers and anomalies
    • Handle missing values
  • Document initial findings
  • Create data cleaning procedures

Advanced Analytics Phase

  • Define key metrics and KPIs
    • Develop statistical models
  • Implement feature engineering
  • Create data transformation pipelines
  • Validate analytical results

Visualization Development

  • Select appropriate visualization libraries
  • Design initial visualization mockups
  • Create core visualizations
    • Implement interactive features?
  • Ensure responsive design (mobile and desktop?)
  • Test visualization performance
  • Document visualization components

Dashboard Creation

  • Design dashboard layout sketch
  • Implement dashboard components
  • Create dashboard interactivity
  • Add filtering capabilities
  • Implement data refresh mechanisms
  • Document dashboard functionality

Flask Application Development

  • Set up Flask project structure
  • Create necessary routes and endpoints
  • Implement authentication (if required)
  • Connect dashboard components

(Extra Credit) Testing & Deployment

this phase is woth 1,000,000 extra credit points.

  • Develop unit tests
  • Perform integration testing
  • Conduct user acceptance testing
  • Set up CI/CD pipeline
  • Create deployment documentation
  • Plan scaling strategy
  • Document maintenance procedures