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Lab notes on getting going thru the early parts of Tasty lab.

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TastyHints.md Sin formato

Tasty Lab Hints

Lab notes on getting going thru the early parts of Tasty.

Hint 0

Remember start very small and build outward. The class/program already works, run it and see.

Hint 1

Modeling a series of tasks

If you haven't already decided how to start...

This is the tasks variable.

    Tasty class.
    :param tasks: the user tasks

(each of those :param things are probably instance variables (eventually))

The most important thing is the tasks you're tracking. It tracks all the tasks, things that get added and removed.

What are the two things you want to track about each task?

  • the name/title of the Task Buy Milk
  • status of Task complete or not yet

That means you track (task_name, task_status). so in Python, if you have a pair things that need to be tracked together, a good possibility is a Dictionary.

tasks = {
  "task1": "not yet",
  "task2": "completed"

Imagine some code to get a tasks dict with a few tasks in it:

tasks = {}   # creates an empty dictionary

tasks['Buy Milk'] = 'not yet'
tasks['Start Lab'] = 'completed'

tasks['Finish Lab'] = 'not yet'

# to test if something is done?

task_name = 'Buy Milk'

if tasks[task_name] == 'not yet':
  # task is unfinished
  # task is 'complete'

# to list all the tasks

for task_name, task_status in tasks.items():
  print("- ", task_name, task_status) 

Hint 2

As we have thought about this a bit, we hit on the idea that a dictionary might work well:

tasks = {}   # creates an empty dictionary

# add a task to the empty tasks variable

tasks['Buy Milk'] = 'not yet'

# to list all the tasks

for task_name, task_status in tasks.items():
  print("- ", task_name, task_status) 

Paste this block of code into the python interpreter and observe what happens. Read the code, does it make sense how we are using the task_name as the key and the task_status as the value?

Add another task, and print out the tasks dict again.

tasks = {}   # creates an empty dictionary

# add a task to the empty tasks variable

tasks['Walk Dog'] = 'not yet'

# to list all the tasks

for task_name, task_status in tasks.items():
  print("- ", task_name, task_status) 

We could put that loop into a function:

def print_tasks(tasks):
  for task_name, task_status in tasks.items():
    print("- ", task_name, task_status) 

We need to think about how to put these ideas into the class Tasty. We might...

class Tasty:
  def __init__(self):
    self.tasks = {}

  def add_task(self, task_name):
    Add a new task to the user tasks.
    if task_name not in self.tasks:
        self.tasks[task_name] = "not yet"
        print("Task already added.")

  def display_tasks(self):
    for task_name, task_status in self.tasks.items():
      print("- ", task_name, task_status)

See how those things went from just trial code to methods in the class?

Yes, and... the self variable is how you know that thing is a method and not just a function.

That's an example of how I might use the rough class.

Hint 3

How to handle more complex input

Student Asks: I'm struggling to see where we take the user input for the task name.

If we have command = input('Tasty> ')

So the command variable will have exit or whatever, after the user types something in and taps , right?

And the new <task> command/line when entered, will actually look like new Buy Milk when user types the command to be processed by the program.

so take the string inputted and split it into a list of strings, breaking each string on the character.

txt = "command typed by user"

x = txt.split()


# x will be a  list: ['command', 'typed', 'by', 'user']

If we want to extend this to make two new strings:

  • command (the first string, perhaps "new")
  • and rest (the rest of the split strings glued back together with spaces in between...)
txt = "new Buy Milk"
t = txt.split()
print(t) # t will be: ["new", "Buy", "Milk"]
command = t[0] # command will be "new"
rest = t[1:] # carefully: Slice the array, from t[1] to end of list
             # rest will be ["Buy", "Milk"]
rest = " ".join(rest) # now rest will be "Buy Milk"
print(command, ' - ', rest)

and after hacking a bit in the python interpreter, you may end up with

  line = input(prompt)
  while not line:
    line = input(prompt) # this causes input to wait until 
                         # line is not an empty string
  words = line.split()
  command = words[0]
  rest = words[1:]
  rest = " ".join(rest)

and maybe the right thing to do is to change the command = input("Tasty> ") to something like command, rest = tasty.prompt_user("Tasty> ")

then all the "words" after the "new" will be what you pull together to name the task?

so prompt-user(self, prompt) becomes a method which asks for the user's input (using input(prompt))

def prompt_user(self, prompt):
  inp = input(prompt)
  # insert the stuff up there about how to 
  # split words into a list and process into two parts.

Hint 4

Saving/Loading to a JSON file

JSON is just a structured text format for data. Very Handy.

saving? a Hint

with open("saved_data.json", "w") as fp:

loading? a Hint

with open(filename) as json_file:
  self.tasks = json.load(json_file)

And you should embed these two ideas into a method.

When you get to the point where you are puzzling over how to save/load multiple dicts (say, tasks, trash, and important), you might consider putting all this in another dictionary and just saving that.

You still have to load the one dict and then split it into three for use by the methods. This should be done in load tasks method.

The data structure might be created by

dict_to_save = { "tasks": self.tasks, "trash": self.trash, "impt": self.important }

You can now json.dump the dict_to_save to a file.

Loading it will be the opposite, you end up with one loaded_dicts which have to be split like: self.tasks = loaded_dicts['tasks']

Easy Peasy